Open Rails Manual
- 1. Legal
- 2. New since previous version of Open Rails
- 3. Introduction
- 4. Use of MSTS Files by Open Rails
- 5. Getting Started
- 6. Open Rails Options
- 6.1. General Options
- 6.2. Audio Options
- 6.3. Video Options
- 6.3.1. Viewing distance
- 6.3.2. Distant mountains
- 6.3.3. Extend object maximum viewing distance to horizon
- 6.3.4. Dynamic shadows
- 6.3.5. Shadow for all shapes
- 6.3.6. Overhead wire
- 6.3.7. Double overhead wires
- 6.3.8. Signal light glow
- 6.3.9. Ambient daylight brightness
- 6.3.10. Model instancing
- 6.3.11. Vertical sync
- 6.3.12. Anti-aliasing
- 6.3.13. World object density
- 6.3.14. Level of detail bias
- 6.3.15. Viewing vertical FOV
- 6.4. Simulation Options
- 6.4.1. Advanced adhesion model
- 6.4.2. Break couplers
- 6.4.3. Curve dependent speed limit
- 6.4.4. At game start, Steam - pre-heat boiler
- 6.4.5. At game start, Diesel - run engines
- 6.4.6. At game start, Electric - power connected
- 6.4.7. Forced red at station stops
- 6.4.8. Open/close doors on AI trains
- 6.4.9. Location-linked passing path processing
- 6.4.10. Simple control and physics
- 6.5. Keyboard Options
- 6.6. RailDriver Options
- 6.7. Data Logger Options
- 6.8. System Options
- 6.9. Experimental Options
- 6.9.1. Superelevation
- 6.9.2. Show shape warnings
- 6.9.3. Correct questionable braking parameters
- 6.9.4. Activity randomization
- 6.9.5. Activity weather randomization
- 6.9.6. MSTS Environments
- 6.9.7. Adhesion proportional to rain/snow/fog
- 6.9.8. Adhesion factor correction
- 6.9.9. Adhesion factor random change
- 7. Driving a Train
- 7.1. Game Loading
- 7.2. Entering the Simulation
- 7.3. Open Rails Driving Controls
- 7.4. Driving aids
- 7.4.1. F1 Information Monitor
- 7.4.2. F3
- 7.4.3. F4 Track Monitor
- 7.4.4. F5 Train Driving Info
- 7.4.5. F6 Siding and Platform Names
- 7.4.6. F7 Train Names
- 7.4.7. F8 Switch Monitor
- 7.4.8. F9 Train Operations Monitor
- 7.4.9. Ctrl-Alt-F9 Train Operations Monitor
- 7.4.10. F10 Activity Monitor
- 7.4.11. Compass Window
- 7.4.12. Odometer
- 7.4.13. Activity Evaluation
- 7.4.14. Basic Head Up Display (HUD)
- 7.4.15. Electric Locomotives – Additional information
- 7.4.16. Steam Engine – Additional Information
- 7.4.17. Multiplayer – Additional Information
- 7.5. Map Window
- 7.6. Additional Train Operation Commands
- 7.6.1. Diesel Power On/Off
- 7.6.2. Initialize Brakes
- 7.6.3. Connect/Disconnect Brake Hoses
- 7.6.4. Doors, Mirror and Windows Commands
- 7.6.5. Wheelslip Reset
- 7.6.6. Toggle Advanced Adhesion
- 7.6.7. Request to Clear Signal
- 7.6.8. Change Cab
- 7.6.9. Train Oscillation
- 7.6.10. Manual emergency braking release
- 7.7. Engaging a turntable or a transfertable
- 7.8. Loading and Unloading Containers
- 7.9. Autopilot Mode
- 7.10. Changing the Train Driven by the Player
- 7.11. Changing the View
- 7.12. Toggling Between Windowed Mode and Full-screen
- 7.13. Modifying the Game Environment
- 7.14. Activity randomization
- 7.15. Screenshot - Print Screen
- 7.16. Suspending or Exiting the Game
- 7.17. Save and Resume
- 7.18. Save and Replay
- 7.19. Analysis Tools
- 7.19.1. Extended HUD for Consist Information
- 7.19.2. Extended HUD for Locomotive Information
- 7.19.3. Extended HUD for Brake Information
- 7.19.4. Extended HUD for Train Force Information
- 7.19.5. Extended HUD for Dispatcher Information
- 7.19.6. Extended HUD for Debug Information
- 7.19.7. Viewing Interactive Track Items
- 7.19.8. Viewing Signal State and Switches
- 7.19.9. Sound Debug Window
- 7.20. OpenRailsLog.txt Log file
- 7.21. Code-embedded Logging Options
- 7.22. Testing in Autopilot Mode
- 8. Open Rails Physics
- 8.1. Train Cars (WAG, or Wagon Part of ENG file)
- 8.2. Engine – Classes of Motive Power
- 8.3. Multiple Units of Locomotives in Same Consist
- 8.4. Open Rails Braking
- 8.4.1. Train Brake Controller Positions
- 8.4.2. Brake Position Labels
- 8.4.3. Brake Shoe Adhesion
- 8.4.4. Brake Shoe Force
- 8.4.5. Train Brake Pipe Losses
- 8.4.6. Wheel Skidding due to Excessive Brake Force
- 8.4.7. Using the F5 HUD Expanded Braking Information
- 8.4.8. Dynamic Brakes
- 8.4.9. Native Open Rails Braking Parameters
- 8.4.10. Brake Retainers
- 8.4.11. Emergency Brake Application Key
- 8.4.12. Automatic Vacuum Brakes
- 8.4.13. Non Automatic Vacuum Brakes
- 8.4.14. Manual Brakes
- 8.4.15. Steam Brakes
- 8.4.16. Wheel Slide Protection
- 8.4.17. SME (sometimes also called SEM) Brake System
- 8.5. Dynamically Evolving Tractive Force
- 8.6. Curve Resistance - Theory
- 8.7. Curve Resistance - Application in OR
- 8.8. Superelevation (Curve Speed Limit) – Theory
- 8.8.1. Introduction
- 8.8.2. 19th & 20th Century vs Modern Day Railway Design
- 8.8.3. Centrifugal Force
- 8.8.4. Effect of Centrifugal Force
- 8.8.5. Use of Superelevation
- 8.8.6. Limitation of Superelevation in Mixed Passenger & Freight Routes
- 8.8.7. Limitation of Superelevation in High Speed Passenger Routes
- 8.8.8. Maximum Curve Velocity
- 8.8.9. Limitation of Velocity on Curved Track at Zero Cross Level
- 8.8.10. Height of Centre of Gravity
- 8.8.11. Calculation of Curve Velocity
- 8.8.12. Typical Superelevation Values & Speed Impact – Mixed Passenger & Freight Routes
- 8.8.13. Typical Superelevation Values & Speed Impact – High Speed Passenger Routes
- 8.9. Superelevation (Curve Speed Limit) Application in OR
- 8.10. Tunnel Friction – Theory
- 8.11. Tunnel Friction – Application in OR
- 8.12. Wind Resistance
- 8.13. Track Sanding
- 8.14. Hammer Blow
- 8.15. Trailing Locomotive Resistance
- 8.16. OR-Specific Include Files for Modifying MSTS File Parameters
- 8.17. Common locomotive subsystems
- 8.18. EOT - End of train device
- 9. Further Open Rails Rolling Stock Features
- 9.1. Train Engine Lights
- 9.2. Tilting trains
- 9.3. Freight animations and pickups
- 9.4. Container management
- 9.5. Multiple passenger viewpoints
- 9.6. Bell animation
- 9.7. Brake Equipment Animations
- 9.8. Coupler and Airhose Animation
- 9.9. Passenger doors
- 9.10. Trainset windows
- 9.11. C# engine scripting
- 9.11.1. Developing scripts with Visual Studio
- 9.11.2. Brake controller
- 9.11.3. Circuit breaker
- 9.11.4. Traction cut-off relay
- 9.11.5. Pantograph, voltage and power limitation selectors
- 9.11.6. Diesel and electric power supply
- 9.11.7. Passenger car power supply
- 9.11.8. Train Control System
- 9.11.9. Helper classes
- 10. Cruise Control
- 10.1. General
- 10.2. Operation Modes
- 10.3. Parametrizing the .eng file
- 10.4. Cruise Control Cabview Controls
- 10.5. Cruise Control Sound Triggers
- 10.6. Cruise Control Keyboard commands
- 10.7. Cruise Control commands through Mouse
- 10.8. HUD and Train Driving window info about CC
- 10.9. Sample files of a CC equipped electric locomotive
- 10.10. Sample files of a CC equipped locomotive with proportional speed selector
- 11. Open Rails Train Operation
- 11.1. Open Rails Activities
- 11.2. Open Rails AI
- 11.3. Control Mode
- 11.4. Track Access Rules
- 11.5. Deadlock Processing
- 11.6. Reversal Points
- 11.7. Waiting Points
- 11.8. Signals at Station Stops
- 11.9. Speedposts and Speed Limits Set by Signals
- 11.10. Further Features of AI Train Control
- 11.11. Location-linked Passing Path Processing
- 11.12. Other Comparisons Between Running Activities in ORTS or MSTS
- 11.13. Extended AI Train Shunting
- 11.14. Signal related files
- 11.15. OR-specific Signaling Functions
- 11.15.1. SPEED Signals – a New Signal Function Type
- 11.15.2. Approach control functions
- 11.15.3. TrainHasCallOn, TrainHasCallOn_Advanced Functions
- 11.15.4. TrainHasCallOn_Restricted, TrainHasCallOn_Restricted_Advanced Functions
- 11.15.5. Signalling Function NEXT_NSIG_LR
- 11.15.6. Signalling Function HASHEAD
- 11.15.7. Signalling flag OR_NOSPEEDREDUCTION
- 11.16. OR-Specific Additions to Activity Files
- 11.16.1. Manually modifying the .act file
- 11.16.2. Using the TSRE5 activity editing capabilities
- 11.16.3. Generating an extension activity file
- 11.16.4. No Halt by Activity Message Box
- 11.16.5. AI Train Horn Blow
- 11.16.6. AI Horn Blow at Level Crossings
- 11.16.7. Location Event triggered by AI Train
- 11.16.8. Location Event and Time Event Sound File
- 11.16.9. Weather Change Activity Event
- 11.16.10. AI train Waiting Point modification through event
- 11.16.11. Old formats
- 12. Timetable Mode
- 12.1. Introduction
- 12.2. General
- 12.3. Timetable Definition
- 12.4. Timetable Data Details
- 12.5. Additional Notes on Timetables
- 12.5.1. Static Trains
- 12.5.2. Processing of #dispose Command For Player Train
- 12.5.3. Termination of a Timetable Run
- 12.5.4. Calculation of Running Delay
- 12.5.5. No Automatic Coupling
- 12.5.6. Use of Consists in Shunting Commands
- 12.5.7. Signalling Requirements and Timetable Concept
- 12.5.8. Known Problems
- 12.6. Storing Trains with Pools
- 12.7. Pool Definition
- 12.8. Changing Weather
- 12.9. Example of a Timetable File
- 12.10. What tools are available to develop a Timetable?
- 13. Open Rails Multi-Player
- 13.1. Goal
- 13.2. Getting Started
- 13.3. Requirements
- 13.4. Technical Issues
- 13.5. Technical Support
- 13.6. Starting a Multi-Player Session
- 13.7. In-Game Controls
- 13.8. Summary of Multi-Player Procedures
- 13.9. Possible Problems
- 13.10. Using the Public Server
- 13.11. Save and resume
- 13.12. Setting up a Server from Your Own Computer
- 14. Open Rails Sound Management
- 14.1. OpenRails vs. MSTS Sound Management
- 14.2. .sms Instruction Set
- 14.3. Discrete triggers for container cranes
- 14.4. Automatic switch and curve squeal track sound
- 14.5. Override % of external sound heard internally for a specific trainset
- 14.6. Manage % of internal track sound heard internally for a specific trainset
- 14.7. Conditional sound
- 15. Open Rails Cabs
- 15.1. 2D Cabs
- 15.1.1. ETCS circular speed gauge
- 15.1.2. Battery
- 15.1.3. Master key
- 15.1.4. Service retention
- 15.1.5. Electric train supply
- 15.1.6. Voltmeters
- 15.1.7. Controls to switch on and off diesel engines
- 15.1.8. Cab radio
- 15.1.9. Cab light
- 15.1.10. Dedicated buttons for brake controllers
- 15.1.11. Signed Traction Braking control
- 15.1.12. Signed Traction Total Braking control
- 15.1.13. Odometer controls
- 15.1.14. Distributed Power
- 15.1.15. EOT (End of Train device)
- 15.1.16. Air Flow Meter
- 15.1.17. Animated 2D Wipers
- 15.1.18. Control Labels
- 15.1.19. Custom Display Units
- 15.1.20. Multiple screen pages on displays
- 15.1.21. Further OR cab controls
- 15.1.22. Cab controls for generic items
- 15.1.23. High-resolution Cab Backgrounds and Controls
- 15.1.24. Configurable Fonts
- 15.1.25. Rotation of Gauges and Digital controls
- 15.1.26. Display and animation of cabview controls in side views of 2D cabs
- 15.2. 3D cabs
- 15.1. 2D Cabs
- 16. OR-Specific Route Features
- 16.1. Modifications to .trk Files
- 16.2. Repetition of Snow Terrain Textures
- 16.3. Snow Textures with Night Textures
- 16.4. Operating Turntables and Transfertables
- 16.5. .w File modifiers
- 16.6. Multiple car spawner lists
- 16.7. Car spawners used for walking people
- 16.8. Route specific TrackSections and TrackShapes
- 16.9. Overhead wire extensions
- 16.10. Loading screen
- 16.11. MSTS-Compatible semaphore indexing
- 16.12. Automatic door open/close on AI trains
- 16.13. Removing forest trees from tracks and roads
- 16.14. Multiple level crossing sounds
- 16.15. Defining Curve Superelevation
- 16.16. Overhead (catenary) wire
- 16.17. Fading signal lamps
- 16.18. Animated clocks
- 17. Developing OR Content
- 18. Version 1.3 Known Issues
- 19. In Case Of Malfunction
- 20. Open Rails Software Platform
- 21. Plans and Roadmap
- 22. Acknowledgements
- 23. Appendices
- 23.1. Units of Measure
- 23.2. Folders used by Open Rails
- 23.3. Signal Functions
- 23.3.1. Original MSTS Functions
- 23.3.2. Extended MSTS Functions
- 23.3.3. SIGNAL IDENT Functions
- 23.3.4. Signal SubObject functions
- 23.3.5. Approach Control Functions
- 23.3.6. CallOn Functions
- 23.3.7. SignalNumClearAhead Functions
- 23.3.8. Local signal variables
- 23.3.9. Functions for Normal Head Subtype
- 23.3.10. Functions to verify full or partial route clearing
- 23.3.11. Miscellaneous functions
- 23.3.12. Timing Functions
- 23.4. OR-specific additions to SIGCFG files
- 23.5. INI File and User Settings